Peanut Sales
Selling Peanuts is a Kiwanis tradition. Look for us at local stores or in front of the Post Office selling Peanuts. Or just drop us an email and we’ll deliver a case of peanuts to you or your business for a $25 donation.
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Selling Peanuts is a Kiwanis tradition. Look for us at local stores or in front of the Post Office selling Peanuts. Or just drop us an email and we’ll deliver a case of peanuts to you or your business for a $25 donation.
One of the ways we raise money is at the Riverfest Pop Stand. Support us by buying soda or water at any stand during Riverfest!
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The Flag Project is a fundraiser and service project for the La Crosse Kiwanis Club. The Flag Project promotes patriotism and awareness of the Kiwanis Club in our community. In addition, the Flag Project is one of our club’s fundraisers that provides financial support for our local youth focused programs (see below).
Kiwanians provide all the volunteers for the Flag Project. Through your sponsorship Kiwanians determine the locations of the American flags, construct the flag poles and holders, install the underground holders/sleeves and most importantly, place (plant) and remove (harvest) the American Flags four times per year (key holidays in the summer months: Memorial Day, Flag Day, Independence Day, Labor Day. The flags are typically displayed for 3-5 days at each holiday (plant before the holiday, harvest after the holiday).
· There are 3 locations where the flags are displayed each holiday (We hope to add more as sponsorships are added)
1. Veterans Freedom Park on Clinton Street
2. Roellig Park on Losey Boulevard
3. River Bank on Mormon Coulee Road
· There are four sponsorship levels to support the Flag Project for one year:
1. Bronze: $100
Recognition on Kiwanis website and window sign for home or business
2. Silver: $200
Above, plus name mentions and tags on social media where appropriate
3. Gold: $500
Above, plus Recognition at major events such as Senior Scholarship Banquet, Clergy Day and Day of Fun.
4. Partner: $2,000
Above, plus name mentions as a presenting sponsor in minimum of 100 radio ads on Mid-West Family stations prior to EACH holiday where flags displayed. Verbal recognition through broadcast media news and interviews, “Kiwanis Flag Project presented by YOUR NAME or BUSINESS”.
· Sponsors complete a Flag Project Agreement and issue payment for the sponsorship level. Payment is encouraged with the Agreement and can be mailed together to the Kiwanis Club.
La Crosse Kiwanis Club: What does Kiwanis do? La Crosse Kiwanis Club focuses on youth and community initiatives locally including: scholarships for high school seniors, A Day of Fun for People with All Abilities, Clergy Appreciation Luncheon, Mobile Meals delivery, sponsoring children in foster care for Christmas presents, and more.
Learn about the La Crosse Kiwanis Club and all the good deeds our club provides to the community by visiting: Or JOIN Kiwanis. We meet at 12:00 on Tuesdays at the La Crosse Club and we’d love to meet you!
Click here for the Flag Project Agreement